“After that I will pour out my spirit upon everyone; your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.”
Joel 2: 28
Celebrating achievements at Pollards Hill Baptist Church (PHBC) is always encouraged. There are appreciation days, not only for the pastor but for those considered to have selflessly contributed to the church, so recognising a very special member of the church for her success was an easy decision.
Every Sunday Keithlin and her mother comes to church. Keithlin is always joyful and happily celebrates with all the children in church.
“In every child born to this world, there is a little sliver of God’s spirit, and it’ll grow as they do, becoming stronger in faith, hope, and love”. The Good News version.
Recently, a special announcement and presentation was made in church by sister Sherill Gregory. What a pleasant surprise when she called up Keithlin to present her with an award. Sherill explained that Keithlin was being awarded the winner of an Art competition which her organisation, The Nurses Association of Jamaica (UK) set up for children ranging between 6 to 11yrs and 12 to 16 yrs.
The competition asked entrants to design Christmas Cards, Get well Cards and Thinking of you Cards.
36 cards in total were received. Out of potentially 6 first prizes only 3 were eventually selected and Keithlin the youngest entrant won not one but two of the 3 first prizes on offer.
Explaining why Keithlin was chosen, Vice President of National Association of Jamaican Nurses (NAJ) UK, Sherill Gregory says: “The standard of her work exceeds her age by far, making it an easy choice for the judges. The Trustees, Executive and Members of NAJ UK are delighted with Keitlin’s work and wish her every success in a very promising future.”

Winning Images designed Keitlin
Proceeds from the cards will go towards the Association’s chosen project for the year, ‘Mental Well Being’ including Support for Youth mental Health and Domestic Violence.