Andy White is the deacon responsible for Fabric and Facilities, which means the maintenance and care of the fantastic suite of buildings we enjoy and which allows such a versatile range of activities on Sunday and throughout the week.
These buildings require ongoing care and his duties vary from installing fuel efficient lighting to fixing a leaking toilet. Andy is privileged to have a number of capable volunteers to assist him in these tasks – as building maintenance is just part of the diverse range of church activities that constitutes serving the Lord in Pollards Hill. Additionally part of his duties is assessing and adapting the building to meet the changing needs of the 21st century.
Andy is a HR professional at an Environmental company based in central London. He is married and has 2 grown up children and his interests include Formula 1, playing backgammon and DIY projects.
Please speak with him about any issues you have with his area of oversight. If you have any skills relevant to this area and feel you can serve the church in this capacity please contact him on andy@phbc.org.uk.