Category: PHBC Blog

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Who Does Jesus Think He Is?

Who Does Jesus Think He Is?

Entering the word ‘genealogy’ in a search engine will give you millions of results. In Google that means 254 million results, with the well-known company, Ancestry.Com, being at the top of the paid results. With the development in DNA science, many companies have been providing services aimed at helping people understand their ancestry. To begin...

Liberated, Even in Lockdown

Liberated, Even in Lockdown

Dear PHBC Family, It was just a fortnight ago, that I wrote to you concerning the ongoing danger that the COVID-19 virus poses to our way of life.  In that letter, I urged that we all exercise vigilance and care, in as much as we continue our lives in faith and not fear. As many...

We are Fearless but not Careless

We are Fearless but not Careless

Dear PHBC Family, I trust that this letter finds you well and blessed in the Lord Almighty. You will likely have noticed that over the last six weeks or so, there has been a ramping up of government warnings of increased COVID-19 infection rates across the country.  Absolutely all media outlets have played a part...

Are you a Sunday Christian only?

Are you a Sunday Christian only?

October feels like a month which has squashed every important issues in for us to focus on.  It’s Black History Month, Stoptober (more about this in my  next blog), Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Menopause Awareness Month, Mental Health Awareness month, and I’m sure I could go on.  You only have to google ‘special days in...

Is a month dedicated to a specific race just?

Is a month dedicated to a specific race just?

October is dubbed Black History Month in the UK. Now, as someone who was one of those activists in the 80s who campaigned vigorously for schools across the country to introduce Black history, which is broader than slavery, into the national curriculum, I am left perplexed about what it has come to mean. Some cities...